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Leah enlightens and inspires her attendees to become aware of their own mental toughness, elevating their expectations and creating their attitudes around a winning mindset. Leah is captivating. Her message is powerful. She speaks to determination and resolution. Her journey of adventure, harrowing obstacles, personal and societal challenges has a lasting impact.  Leah speaks to the issues surrounding discrimination, abuse, and bullying and empowers all who hear her message to strive to live lives without limits. Leah Goldstein draws on her background as a World Kickboxing Champion, Krav Maga Instructor for the Israelian Elite Commandos and Ultra Endurance Pro Cyclist as well as her love for youth in taking on these vital issues and powerful interests. Leah Goldstein is a mighty messenger.

Overcoming Adversity – No Limits!

In this keynote Leah inspires audiences with her incredible stories of moving forward despite all obstacles in her way.  Rejected by the cycling community when she decided to race at the age of 30, she proved them all wrong by moving forward and winning her first race without a team or any support.   When sponsors finally took notice and started to call, she experienced a terrible accident and was told she would never ride again.  Within a year she was back and entered the Ride Across Oregon race and won.  She also entered the Race Across America and won in her division. Leah inspires audiences with her stories and her mantra that making a decision is the first step but what is more important is to believe in the decision!  Believing in it is key to overcoming any obstacles and it is that belief that will carry you across any finish line.  Approx. 1hr

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Mental Endurance

Achieving higher performance levels or what seems like an impossible goal is nothing new to Leah Goldstein.  Since the age of 14 when she achieved her black belt and at 17 when she became the World Kick Boxing Champion, Leah learned that training her mind was as important if not more important than training her body.  In this keynote, she shares why her ability to be stronger mentally has been key to her success.  She shares why we can often sabotage what is possible by not having the mental endurance to move past our comfort levels.   We rely on stimulants or crutches to endure but Leah knows that these methods can never carry you past the hurdles you didn’t expect.  Instead they can create an excuse mindset. Leah shares the three ways she trains her mind to be her most powerful tool and how focusing on how you are using your mind when striving to reach a goal will have a direct impact on the results. -Approx. 1hr

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Self Defense/Krav Maga Workshop

This Self Defense Workshop with Leah Goldstein, World Kickboxing Champion & Krav Maga instructor will equip you with the necessary skills to defend yourself and perhaps even save your life. Half of all Canadian women will be the victims of physical or sexual violence in their lifetime – do not be one of them! Krav Maga Instructor, Leah Goldstein, teaches men and women the skills necessary to defend themselves! Learn how to carry yourself assertively, check your surroundings to avoid danger, and most importantly of all, how to fight! Find out how to deliberately harness your power to protect yourself. Leah will teach Krav (fight) Ma Ga ( with your hands), Israel’s national form of self defense with it’s motto “fight to kill”. She will also teach you how to use random objects in the most lethal way to protect yourself. Discover the strategies and awareness mindset that will keep you safe and re-ignite your belief that you are more powerful than you think.  -Approx. 1hr

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Diversity, Hidden Bias and Missed Opportunities

In Society we still seem to struggle with diversity in gender, age, ethnicity and cultural differences, sexual orientation and social status.  Leah shares her personal stories of facing bias through her journey in competitive sports and anti-terrorism organizations.  She shares how her determination opened doors that were otherwise firmly shut.  And once opened, she proved that success can be best achieved through the creation of a diverse team all working toward the same goal. Leah instills the deep realization that acceptance can have rewarding and lasting societal impacts and that a shift towards a culture of diversity will open up opportunities for individuals, organizations and the world.  – Approx. 1hr

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Add Leah's MIND-BLOWING biography "NO LIMITS" to your reading list!